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Guy Rubin on BuzzFeed.com: The Mom Of A Missing Florida Teen Is Suing The Family Of His Missing Friend For Negligence

Perry Cohen and Austin Stephanos went missing off the coast of Florida in July 2015. Now Amber Jamieson

Cohen's mother is suing Stephanos' family.

The mother of a teenager who went missing off the coast of Florida in 2015 is suing the family of her son's friend, accusing them of negligence that resulted in the presumed death of the two boys.

Monday, July 24, will mark two years since Perry Cohen and Austin Stephanos, both aged 14, went missing off the coast off Florida during a fishing trip in Stephanos' boat.

On Friday, Cohen's mother Pamela filed a lawsuit in a civil court in Palm Beach against Stephanos' mother, father, stepfather, and grandfather, arguing that they failed to protect her son, who had been on a sleepover at the Stephanos house the day the pair went missing.

Guy Rubin, the attorney for Pamela Cohen, said his client just wanted to know exactly what happened.

"It’s about finding the truth and teaching lessons about parental responsibility," he told BuzzFeed News. "They desperately miss their son and not having any finality as to what happened to him hurts the most. It just leaves an open wound."

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